February 6, 2025

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Travel The World Looking For Retro Tech, Virtually

Travel The World Looking For Retro Tech, Virtually

Travel The World Looking For Retro Tech, Virtually

For those who have a passion for vintage hardware, whether it be a classic computer or a war-surplus ham radio rig, finding the things without resorting to paying shipping fees on eBay can sometimes be tricky. Your best bet is to find a local fair or swap event, but it always seems they’re the kind of thing you find out about the weekend after they were held.

Looking to make these sort of events more visible and easier to keep track of, [RobSmithDev] has created the Retro.Directory. Scrolling your way across the globe you can see markers that indicate places of interest for the retro aficionado, such as museums, repair shops, and old school arcades, as well as upcoming events.

The custom captcha is a nice touch.

Don’t see your favorite spot? Want to add an event you’re currently organizing? Just make an account and enter the info. Anyone can add on-topic listings for free, though presumably [RobSmithDev] runs a personal eye over them as a review process is mentioned. A note at the bottom of the page indicates he’s open to adding retro-themed banner advertisements to the page as well, which could be a good way to get the word out about your project or event to retro-minded folks.

From a quick inspection, Europe is absolutely stacked with entries, but we noticed some some surprising omissions on the American side. So looks like there’s certainly an opportunity to pitch in and add more content for anyone who’s feeling helpful. Making an account is easy, and we were impressed by how much info you can add for each listing. Seeing a field to enter the event’s TikTok account made us feel ancient, an impressive feat given how ancient one already feels once they’ve started actively searching for local retro events.

In the video below [RobSmithDev] mentions that the text-based version of the directory doesn’t require a modern browser — so after you’ve checked out Hackaday Retro Edition, maybe see how the site performs on your favorite piece of vintage tech. We’d love to hear about it.